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Deck Layout & Deck Rigging



The original deck layout had no less than 14 winches…!!  Remember, this was back in the days of wire halyards and before effective rope clutches.  There were 6 winches around the mast, mounted on a box structure that also incorporated the foredeck hatch.  For its day it was an efficient configuration. The primary winches in the cockpit were titanium(!) that were tied to a unique system of gearboxes & shafts that allowed the leeward winch to be driven from a winch handle receptacle on the windward side.  It was slick and innovative at the time.  However, the system added enough weight that for longer races any advantage gained from the possibly faster tacks was negated.  To lead the sheets and guys to the winches, there were aluminum and stainless-steel structures on the edges of the deck for turning blocks, etc.  These worked fine however were heavy.  Dive into the details, if you dare…remember I used to be a rigger…;-)



The goal is to greatly reduce the weight on deck, without sacrificing sheeting and halyard control capabilities.  Ideally, the configuration will work equally well for both crewed and short-handed sailing, so care must be taken to centralize the controls for shorthanding while keeping enough space between them to allow space for multiple elbows in action.

Plan — Halyards & Reefing

Plan — Jib Sheeting

Plan — Mainsheet

Will install a new traveler track in the cockpit for end-boom sheeting, which will greatly reduce the sheeting load.  Will be trying a multiple purchase mainsheet with fine-tune added for extra purchase for upwind sheeting.


Plan — Spinnaker Sheeting



The jibs will no longer be overlapping the shrouds, except for bigger reaching jib topsails.  So, the upwind jibs will be running through “floating” leads near the shrouds that are controlled/positioned by both inboard barber-haulers and heavy-duty outboard twings.

For the spinnaker sheets & guys there will be padeyes on the deck that are fastened to G10 (solid fiberglass) inserts that will be glued into the deck.  The inserts will be recessed into the deck through the deck plywood and deep into the solid kauri sheer clamp that joins the hull and deck together.  I did a similar method on Ocean Planet when refitting after the Around Alone for the Vendee Globe, and it worked great.  The spin sheets will run through adjustable “twings” for controlling the sheet height, which will be secured to the deck at lashings to stanchion bases.

Need to figure out an elegant way to turn all the halyards and reef lines on the deck to lead aft.  May need to run all under “roll bar” or through a floating eye to keep the angle correct to the cabin top winches.  Probably need to reinforce the cabin top somewhat for the forward winches.  Lifeline stanchion bases need to be designed and built, unless some appropriate replacements can be found. Ideally will get new titanium bases & stanchions made by Jeff Daniels of Metropolis Metals in San Leandro, CA.  Going with a purchase system (no winches) for the mainsheet is a bit on the limit, size-wise.

The box structure that held the 6 winches has been removed.  The heavy turning block bases have been removed. All the old bolted-on jib sheet tracks have been removed.  The former mid-boom sheeting track and traveler controls, etc. have been removed. Deck has been spot-repaired, prepped and 1st coat of primer applied.  Cockpit and bridge deck teak decking has been restored and teak sealer applied.

The halyards and reef lines will run to the deck and through clutches; either the hard type or the sliding “constrictor” style.   Probably will use the constrictors for the high-load halyards, and clutches for the reef lines.  They will all be able to run to 2 small winches on the forward corners of the cabin top, and in a pinch to the secondary winches will also be on the cabin top a few feet further aft.

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