Was March the last time I did a blogpost here? Yikes. At least I've been getting some videos up on the YouTube channel, and have been taking lots of pics!
Have been out west for a few long sessions this year, and heading out for another month, on Sept 10th. Have been making progress on the aft cabin, etc. I'll let these videos tell the story:
Episode 18: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GoBziGPRVA&list=PL2TKHH9DdJt7Rp8xMatYxCQDBKw18FPUL&index=5
Episode 19: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1dBOAmyz__0&list=PL2TKHH9DdJt7Rp8xMatYxCQDBKw18FPUL&index=4
Episode 20: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ICLcbYKq4Is&list=PL2TKHH9DdJt7Rp8xMatYxCQDBKw18FPUL&index=3
Episode 21: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NDRToU1pL6M&list=PL2TKHH9DdJt7Rp8xMatYxCQDBKw18FPUL&index=2
Episode 22: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0Wjjj2WtS8&list=PL2TKHH9DdJt7Rp8xMatYxCQDBKw18FPUL&index=1
Looking much better than last year!

I'll be there Sept 10 through Oct 9th...see you there?